Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Peace Building in West Pokot

Abstract Peace and stability are significant components of development in all spheres across the globe. These necessitated the emergence and growth of peace building and conflict management efforts world over. However, conflict related challenges continue to threaten the survival and continued existence of many groups, communities, states and regions in the world.In Kenya, an analysis of West Post Sub-county reveals the existence of multiple intervention efforts by the Government and several stakeholders In peace building and conflict management. However, little has been achieved so far as a result of these efforts. This study therefore examined peace building and conflict management programs In West Post Sub-county wealth the Republic of Kenya, and the residents' perceptions on the effectiveness of these programs In the Sub-county.Its Justification was based on an argument that West Post conflicts have had far reaching consequences to the residents of this study area and country at large. This study further focused on the Post-Turban conflicts and the subsequent peace building and conflict management initiatives in the area. Based on the outcome of this study, there were several peace building and conflict management programs in West Post Sub-county, many of which were carried out concurrently.Disarmament program was found to be unpopular with majority of respondents expressing disapproval due to its involvement of force and brutality, while the peace committee model was highly rated with most of the respondents approving it as largely inclusive. In conclusion, the Government should adopt a holistic approach that incorporates all approaches and stakeholders, especially the local communities. In addition, the Government should also address social issues that escalate conflicts.

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